
目前显示的是 十二月, 2019的博文

What is Line Level?

A Line level is in the region of 0 dBV (1.0 volt), Line level signals have a much higher voltage output than mic or instrument level, usually somewhere around 750 millivolts.It is about 1,000 times as strong as a mic-level signal, so the two do not ordinarily use the same input. This signal travels from your pre-amp to the amplifier that powers your speakers.  -10 dBV (0.316 V RMS) for consumer equipment (like MP3 and DVD players), +4 dBu (1.23 V RMS) for professional equipment (mixing desks and signal processing gear) . The 4 main connector types we see in line level audio, and in fact all of analog audio, are the 6.35mm jack, 3.5mm mini jack, RCA and XLR connector. Connecting a line-level source (such as mixer output) to a mic-level input will cause the sound to be loud and distorted because the line signal is much stronger than what the mic input will accept. Inputs and outputs on many mixers are switchable for either mic or line level operation. Line outputs have signal